Just released: How to raise venture capital in 2023



CaliforniaAB ruling
September 25 • EPLIWorker's Compensation

What does the California AB5 (gig economy) ruling mean for insurance?

California signed the AB5 (Gig Economy) ruling into law. This will have ramifications for the entire US insurance market, not just for CA.

lawyers' professional liability
September 24 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & Omissions

Lawyers’ Professional Liability: A Guide for Law Firms

Lawyers’ professional liability insurance covers some of the most vulnerable parts of the legal profession. Here’s a practical guide for law firms.

commercial insurance endorsements
September 10 • Risk Management

The Complete Guide to Commercial Insurance Endorsements

Learn how commercial insurance endorsements provide customized coverage for you. Understand how the insurance endorsement types can empower your business.

commercial crime insurance
September 3 • Crime InsuranceCyber Liability

Commercial Crime Insurance Guide

Here’s the inside scoop on commercial crime insurance guide for startups and mid-level businesses. Learn the different types of commercial crimes and what crime insurance covers.

Insurance and Contracts Requirements guide
June 20 • Growth

The Ultimate Guide to Insurance Requirements in Contracts

Vendors, cities, partners, investors, etc.— often require specific insurance policies as a part of a contract. We break down why and what you need to know.

sec and private companies
May 9 • Directors & Officers

Private Companies Won’t Escape SEC Scrutiny; D&O Coverage May Be Crucial

SEC suits against Theranos and Jumio illustrate that private companies won’t avoid SEC scrutiny and that D&O insurance is more important than ever.

contract protection insurance featureed
April 4 • Key Man

Key Person Insurance Alternatives

Key Person Insurance can be a valuable policy for when the unthinkable happens, but it has its disadvantages. We examine Contract protection insurance (“CPI”) and other alternatives.

Mitigating Cyber Risk with Google Cloud
March 26 • Cyber LiabilityGuest Post

Mitigating Cyber Risk with Google Cloud

Partnering with the right cloud provider is essential. Google Cloud outline how to mitigate cyber risk through trust, security, and proper cyber insurance.

COI Fetured
March 1 • Risk Management

Understanding Certificates of Insurance (COIs)

Everything you need to know about Certificates of Insurance (COIs)!

rock n roll monkey unsplash e
January 25 • Risk Management

Robobroking: What you need to know about automated insurance brokers

Online brokers using automation and AI make it easier than ever to get commercial insurance. But how do you know if they’re right for your business?

Pre IPO Checklist v .
December 19 • Directors & Officers

Pre-IPO Checklist 2019

Considering an IPO? We’ve created a 10 part a checklist to serve as a preliminary starting point for thought and discussion, as well as a brief primer on the process.

Hero Image Founder Shield
November 19 • Risk Management

How to generate revenue & funding with insurance

How do you turn a cost center into a revenue engine? We discuss how high-growth companies can get this done with right Insurance. (via TechCrunch)

Jobs Act Featuredv
August 14 • Directors & Officers

Jobs Act 3.0 Explained: How it will Impact Business

The House has passed Jobs Act 3.0. What does this mean for business? We discuss the key takeaways of the act and how it will impact future IPOs.

Featured Image Social Engineering
May 23 • Cyber Liability

Top 6 Forms of Social Engineering & How to Protect Your Business

Many implement the latest antivirus software, data encryption protocols, and firewalls. But what happens if malware is introduced into the system from inside? i.e. by an employee

insurance for an ICO
April 4 • Crime InsuranceDirectors & Officers

What’s the right insurance for an ICO?

Uncertainty in the ICO space is leading entrepreneurs to wonder how they can protect themselves from risk. Can these companies get insurance for an ICO like they can for other parts of their business? (Spoiler alert: yes they can)

February 28 • Cyber Liability

5 facts startups need to know about the GDPR

Any business that comes in contact with EU citizens will have to follow new rules as of May of this year. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), passed by EU Parliament in April 2016, directly impacts businesses in the US, EU and elsewhere. Its purpose is to set uniform standards for data protection and prevent businesses from

IP insurance for startups
January 25 • Intellectual Property

The 3 most important facts about IP insurance for startups

Too many companies ignore one of the most common legal risks out there: intellectual property (IP) infringement. In past posts, we’ve talked about the high frequency of IP litigation as well as the dangers posed by patent trolls. But let’s keep it simple — what do you need to know? There are a few important

startup D&O insurance post 2017
December 19 • Directors & Officers

Startup D&O Insurance: What You Need to Know

D&O insurance for startups is necessary for many reasons: protects your scaling efforts, meets investor requirements, safeguards executives, etc. But what does this coverage actually provide and how much will it cost you? Let’s clear the air.

pen checklist iStock Large x
December 18 • Errors & OmissionsRisk Management

Errors and Omissions Risks Checklist for Startups

We track down Tech Errors and Omissions policies for the majority of the companies we work with.  It’s extremely important coverage for anyone leveraging technology or social media, which most startups constantly do.   Even using things as simple as AWS or Facebook login can expose your company to a lawsuit,  and in a fast-paced,

insurance for bitcoin
December 5 • Crime InsuranceDirectors & Officers

Insurance for Bitcoin: 3 facts startups need to know

Bitcoin has been occupying the news but unless your only interest is today’s this minute’s price, there are still plenty of unanswered questions for startups. Jamie Dimon calls Bitcoin investors “stupid” and John McAfee says the price is going to $1 million by 2020. Meanwhile the grey area in-between is filled with noise. So we want to

tom cruise impossible cyber liability insurance
October 27 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersEPLIErrors & OmissionsRisk Management

Startup Risk Tips: Optimizing your Insurance Policies

  Insurance should be seen as more of an investment than a cost, but given the busy and chaotic lives of Founders, it sometimes becomes a check-the-box activity.  When utilized properly, companies can get value from their policies well beyond that generated by a “set it and forget it” approach.  Here are a few tips to optimize your insurance

insurance when you sell your company
October 26 • Risk Management

What you need to know about insurance when you sell your company

The goal of so many high growth startups today is “the exit.” Big companies are happy to meet this demand. They’re looking to expand market share or improve their product and an efficient solution has been snapping up these startups. Experts believe this trend will only accelerate over the next year. While there’s an understandable tendency